Presentation and students visit from H.S. Mechanical Engineering

Milara colleagues, together with our partners Vimax SD (official distributor of Sandvik for Bulgaria), presented the companies to students from the High School of Mechanical Engineering. With this initiative, we aim to strengthen students’ interest in mechanical engineering and enrich their knowledge in the field.
Miroslav Vranchev, Head of the Mechanical Workshop and Georgi Tanev, Manager of Production Technology, explained what Milara is doing, where we came from and how we have been developing over the years.

We hope to make these visits a regular occurrence. Our mission is to provide additional knowledge on cutting-edge technologies, process modernization, and modern mechanical engineering practices. We want the students to understand how important the fields they have chosen to study are to society!

The presentations were attended by the Director and Deputy of the High School, the school principals and teachers.

The next day, a group of 26 students from the H.S. Mechanical Engineering visited the Milara plant in Plovdiv to see live the manufacturing processes of details and the assembly of the finished products.