Tesa Visio 300

Quality control

With the new step taken by TESA with the introduction of their TESA-SCAN product family for non-contact measurement, the need for developing TESA-VISIO like systems as a further contribution to quality control appears as the next logical step to the company. So to complement, extend and enhance this product line, TESA have engineered a new line of high precision machines, including the innovative TESA-VISIO 300 available today in three different models. Each model comes equipped with a 300 x 200 mm coordinate stage.


Measuring spans X/Y (mm): 300×200
Measuring span Z (mm): 150
X/Y Accuracy at 20°C: 3+10.L/1000
Z Accuracy at 20°C: 3+2.L/100
Encoder Resolution(X/Y/Z): 0,05 µm
Maximum Perm. Load: 16kg